Saturday, 6 August 2016

Napoleonic rules turn sequence

The previous post covered the basic advance orders ladder, the next instalment will cover the turn sequence to the main rules.

First i thought i would set out the core rules to DIVISION COMMANDER (working title) the core rules are as follows.

1. The Game (basic version)
2. The Commanders
3. The Troops and their Combat Effective Ratings
4. The Game Turn
4.1 The Orders
4.2 The Advance Orders
4.3 The Reserve Orders
4.4 The Holding Orders
4.5 Combat & Results
4.6 Withdrawing and Pursuits
5. ADCs in the game
6. Setting Out A Battle
7. Advanced rules

This post will concentrate on section 4 The Game Turn. lets take a look at the game turn as it appears in the rules.

Each game turn is divided into two phases

At the start of each game turn the players division and the divisions brigades must have clear orders to follow. These orders can be as detailed as you wish, or just a direction and a command, but they must be timed. Each turn is set at 10 minuets. You don't have to give a brigade the same orders each turn as they will follow old orders until they are given new ones. An example would be.  6:00am general M brigade is ordered to advance on the ridge to his north, and engage any enemy found there.
Once the brigades have received their orders from the divisional commander The Player  The advance order ladder will be used to control the brigades, as they advance across the battle field. Brigades with Reserve orders will also us the advance order ladder, but will only do so once all friendly brigades, with advance orders have completed their movement for that turn. Brigades with Holding orders will remain in their position awaiting orders. They can not move without advance orders, but can change formation or facings if threatened by an enemy.  

The advance ladder will simulate the lower ranking officers within the players brigades, as they attempt to carry out their orders, you as the divisional commander will have to watch the battle unfold before you. Making decisions as to were and when to commit your reserves, were to send your ADCs to influence your command and control.

Let's have a look at what this will look like on the table.
For our example game we are going to have a French division, made up of 3 brigades.

                      BRIGADE TYPE                                     BRIGADE/COMMAND QUALITY
Brigade A 3 line battalions 1 light battalion 1 battery.        average command average troops
Brigade B 3 line battalions                                               average command poor troops
Brigade C 2 line battalions 2 light battalion                       average command average troops
Our French force 

ORDERS ARE: 6:00am deployment
Brigade A is ordered to advance onto the village to the East, and clear it of any enemy found there, once cleared they are to hold the village. ( Brigade B are to act as your reserve )

Brigade B is to act as support  to Brigade A once brigade A has cleared the village your brigade is to hold the village with Brigade A. ( you will commence your advance at 6:30 TURN 3 )

Brigade C will act as the Divisions reserve and will remain in position on hold orders.

Our example enemy is a British division made up of 2 brigades
                      BRIGADE TYPE                                      BRIGADE/COMMAND QUALITY
Brigade D 3 line battalions 1 field battery                          average command good troops
Brigade E 2 line battalions 1 light battalion                        good command good troops
The British force

ORDERS ARE: 6:00am deployment.
Brigade D orders are to hold the village till dark (TURN 15 ) and then it is to withdraw.
Brigade E  is to act as support  to Brigade A the light battalion is to hold the wooded ridge on the right flank of the village.

Our example game start with the British holding the village and wooded ridge line. The French are on rout,     (this is the pre- deployment movements covered in the setting up a battle section) which i will cover in a latter post.

The French can be seen in the distance marching towards the British held village The small red flags mark the 4 steps of the advance orders ladder 

We will skip forward in the game, and the French are at the starting point of the battle and have deployed in their set off positions, which is 80cm from any enemy position or unit.

Another closer picture of the French forces they are in their set off positions. The French being the attackers have moved up to 80cm from the British position as marked with the small red flag.

At the start of any game turn both players will know roll any order tests that are required, this is 1 D6 for each Brigade command that wishes to perform an order which can be  ADVANCING ORDER, RESERVE ORDER or HOLDING ORDER.

In our example the French sides Brigade A has been ordered to advance on the enemy in the village, so they roll 1D6 on the ADVANCE ORDERS LADDER (see previous post on the advance orders ladder).
Brigade B are ordered to act as support  to Brigade A so they will also roll a D6 on the ADVANCE ORDERS LADDER. Brigade C are on hold orders and will not need to roll any dice foe know. On the British side of the table both Brigade D and E are on hold orders so no dice rolls for them either.

The dice are rolled 

Brigade A rolls a 4, and will be moving first in turn 1 (6:10am) as they have advance orders, and all friendly Brigades with advance orders move before friendly Brigades with reserve orders.  
Brigade B rolls a 5 on their advance test. They will start their advance as ordered on turn 3 (6:30am), but only after Brigade A has finished their movement for turn 3. 

Its 6:10am Turn 1 Brigade A is moves to Step 5 on the advance orders ladder the Brigade is moved 50cm form the enemy position. 

Its 6:20am Turn 2 Brigade B watches as Brigade A moves off (they will get their chance soon) Brigade A is know on step 4 of the advance orders ladder and are placed 30cm from the enemy.

Its 6:30 Turn 3 Brigade A is know moved onto step 3 (we will say it passed it D6 roll to continue its advance) and is placed 20cm from the enemy. Brigade B can know move onto step 5 of the advance orders ladder, they are moves 50cm from the enemy. 

Its 6:40 Turn 4 and Brigade A once again passes it advance order test and continues to advance onto step 2 of the advance orders ladder and are placed 10cm from the enemy. Brigade B has also passed to move onto step 4 of the advance ladder  and are placed 30cm from the enemy (as they rolled a 5 on the first roll and would subsequently have to retest for  each step on the advance orders ladder to continue.)

A close up shot of Brigade A leading the assault

This is were we will leave our example game. The French Brigade A is poised to smash into the British held village, on turn 5 they will switch to  the combat ladder to fight it out. Brigade B is on its way in support. Brigade C is holding their position awaiting orders. The British Brigades are braising themselves. Next time i will take a closer look at advancing into enemy fire, and counter advances and the second part of the game turn the combat and results
As ever this is a living set of rule that are under development any questions or comments tips will always be welcome.

till next time, and thanks for reading S