Thursday, 30 June 2016

An introduction

This blog is going to be devoted to my Napoleonic wargame rules. The rules have been developed over the past 4 years, and the basic frame work is in place. i will be posting sections of the rules from the introduction, thought to the main rule sections, explaining and giving examples both as posts on this blog as well as play tests on you tube and hangouts. I hope you will enjoy the rules development, and i invite fellow readers and viewers to join in the development of the rules as there is always room for improvement. I will make the basic rules available in due course. The rules themselves are Divisional level and are designed for 6mm to 10mm scale. There is no set basing system for the rules so feel free to use what you have, as you follow and hopefully join in with the development.  For the first part of the blog i will give a proper introduction, and a basic look at the main concept of the game. Till then i will leave you with a few photos of the game during some early test games.